
首頁 > 關(guān)于我們 > 公司簡介/About us|儀思通科技(香港)有限公司

       儀思通科技(香港)有限公司(ESTONE Technology)/甘沃實(shí)業(yè)(上海)有限公司(Great-Winner Industrial)是一家專業(yè)的技術(shù)型公司。我們專注于材料物理性能的檢測領(lǐng)域,致力于引進(jìn)國外*先進(jìn)的物性檢測儀器、設(shè)備和獨(dú)特的技術(shù),為用戶提供一整套的切合實(shí)際的完善的檢測方案。


       目前,我們擁有世界**的的物性檢測產(chǎn)品供應(yīng)鏈,如美國Instron材料試驗(yàn)機(jī),瑞士Mettler-Toledo熱分析儀器、水分儀、天平、PH計(jì)、電導(dǎo)率儀,奧地利Anton Paar密度儀、折光儀、旋光儀、微波消解儀、流變儀,美國X-rite色差儀、燈箱,英國Ray-ran聚合物測試儀及樣品制備設(shè)備,英國RDM熱封儀,德國Julabo高低溫循環(huán)水浴和粘度計(jì),德國Coesfeld熱變形維卡,意大利UTP Vision三維尺寸及表面缺陷視覺檢測設(shè)備等;我們的客戶遍及高校、研究所和企業(yè),涉及化工、石化、紡織、橡膠、塑料、化妝品、制藥、電子電器、汽車等眾多領(lǐng)域。 




      我們的經(jīng)營理念是永遠(yuǎn)追求更好!To Be Better Always!

ESTONE Technology (HongKong)  Ltd./Great-Winner Industrial(Shanghai) Corporation Ltd., which is specialized in providing not only advanced instruments and technical service, but also systemic solutions, takes sound technology as our guide and customers' satisfaction as our aim, strives toward the goal that our clients enjoy the most outstanding technology.

We are now the supplier of many first class physical performance test instruments from Instron, Mettler-Toledo, Anton Paar, X-rite, Ray-Ran, RDM, Julabo, Coesfeld, UTP Vision, etc.,  and have a good business relationship with highacademes,research institutes and enterprises. Moreover, we have a wide range of clients from Chemical industry,Petrochemical, Textile, Rubber, Plastics, Cosmetic, Pharmaceutical, E&E, Automotive, etc. 

Estone pitches her as the user's preferred trade fellowship.We will perfectly present you the features of our products and also the technology and win your trust by reliable products and sound service.

We believe that sincere mutual trust, equity, unity and innovation will lead us to success.We will continue to improve our team to be the lifeful and experienced so that we can provide you the knight service.

To Be Better, Always is our Mission and Vision.

Welcome to contact us !


Chatillon測力計(jì),納米激光粒度儀,摩擦磨損試驗(yàn)機(jī),自動熔點(diǎn)儀,Park Systems原子力顯微鏡,英國邁菱Mecmesin材料試驗(yàn)機(jī),聚合物測試和樣品制備系統(tǒng),密度儀,折光儀,旋光儀,卡爾費(fèi)休水分儀,包材檢測用熱封儀,Julabo恒溫水浴,愛色麗色度計(jì),梅特勒熱分析儀

Copyright@ 2003-2024  儀思通科技(香港)有限公司版權(quán)所有     
電話:021-33688380 傳真:021-33688619   郵編:200233    地址:上海徐匯區(qū)宜山路705號科技大廈A座501B室
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